Privacy Policy

Let's make it really simple. We hate spam as much as you do.

That means your name and e-mail address is safe with us. We're not going to sell it off to some mailing list broker who'll sell it to eighty bazillion jerks trying to sell you stuff to enlarge body parts you don't even have, or their latest scheme for making money.

Even if somebody does come along with a great product we think you will enjoy, we won't just hand your name over to them. We'll send you an e-mail introducing this person and their product, and leave it to you to decide whether you want to have anything to do with them.

Corrolary: that means you need to follow the link to their website and sign up with them if you're interested in finding more about their product. Please don't come to us asking us to sign you up, because we can't. The most we can do is provide instructions on how to sign up. You have to do the rest.

And if you don't want to hear from us any more, you need only to click the unsubscribe link in one of our e-mails and that's the last you'll hear from us again. (Unless you change your mind and resubscribe, of course.